The President warned about the rise of extremism

The President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, spoke before the United Nations General Assembly and warned about the rise of extremism and hatred messages.


In this context, he called for the rejection of these attitudes, which, according to him, "erode societies and democracy".



He thanked the international community for the expressions of solidarity after the failed assassination of Vice-President CFK, on September 1, in Buenos Aires City.

That attack, said Fernandez, "not only affected public tranquility" but "also sought to alter a virtuous collective construction that in 2023 will be four decades old".

The Head of State was referring to the recovery of democracy in Argentina in 1983, after seven years of military dictatorship.

In his 15-minute address, the Argentine leader also warned of "fascist violence that disguises as republicanism".

"Let us not accept this situation with resignation," he urged and then added: "let us firmly reject on a global level those who promote division in our communities."

Mr Fernandez also renewed the claim of Argentine sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands and the call to the United Kingdom to resume negotiations, in line with UN resolutions.

He also asked Iran to cooperate with Argentine courts to clarify the 1994 AMIA bombing, which left 85 people dead.

Moreover, the Head of State asked for peace and the end of the conflict sparked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


In another part of his message, the President pointed out the need for a new international financial architecture and said that "indebted nations suffer much more from the effects of the established system".

And he expressed that food security must be guaranteed "to all the inhabitants of the planet".

In this regard, the Argentine leader asked: "Is it fair that the fortune of only 10 men represents more than the income of 40% of the world's population?

This was president Fernandez's first appearance before the UN Assembly General in New York, after delivering messages via teleconference in 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.