Argentina celebrates Francis' 10 years as Pope

Today is the 10th anniversary of the appointment of Argentina's Jorge Bergoglio as Pope.

In this context, the Catholic Church organized a mass in the Basilica of Luján this weekend to celebrate the anniversary.




Bergoglio's successor as Archbishop of the city of Buenos Aires and Top Cardinal of Argentina, Mario Poli, headed the ceremony.

The celebration was summoned with a call for "social peace" and against the "cracks that separate us", in reference to political polarization.

In his mass, Poli expressed his gratitude that an Argentine was chosen "to be a universal pastor".

The Buenos Aires Archbishop defined Francis as "a gift from our land to the world".

At the same time, leaders from all the political spectrum of Argentina sent a letter to the Pope to congratulate him on his first decade on the throne of St. Peter.

It was signed by leaders of the ruling party such as President Alberto Fernandez and Vice President CFK.

It was also endorsed by opposition leaders such as the Mayor of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, among others.