Founded on June 23, 1969 by agreement between the Universidad Nacional del Sur, the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) and the Argentine […]

Argentine Rock History

Rock History: Today we introduce Estelares, a band hailing from BA provincial capital La Plata, that originated in the underground circuit of the 90s, and […]


A special broadcast of LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel took place on Saturday, September 21. The initiative had great repercussion among the Antarctic community, […]

Culture and arts

"The sound of laughter guides us to understand what works and what doesn't", explains Carlos López Puccio, one of the founding members of Les Luthiers, […]

Discovering Argentina

When foreigners arrive in Argentina, especially in Buenos Aires, one of the must-do’s is asado: beef steak and the famous "achuras", mollejas, chinchulines, kidneys and […]


A group of 50 Argentine high school students were selected to travel to the United States on September 22 and participate in a space camp, […]

Argentine Rock History

On today's edition of "Argentine Rock History", we cover singer Fabiana Cantilo, whose voice has been on some of the most popular rock songs of […]

Culture and arts

The myth of Carlos Gardel shines brighter in Buenos Aires with a compilation of his personal belongings thanks to the meeting between collector Walter Santoro […]



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