8000 hectares destroyed

The Patagonian province of Chubut will be aided by the FBI to investigate the fires in Los Alerces National Park. U.S. Ambassador Marc Stanley in […]

Brazilian president's trip to Egypt

On the first day of his visit to Egypt, Brazilian President Lula da Silva criticized Israel for the offensive in Gaza. In Cairo, the South […]

Government says it's going down

Inflation in Argentina exceeded 250% per year, according to the latest official data. The data comes from the latest report of INDEC, Argentina's official statistics […]

Brazil's Bolsonaro calls on supporters to march

In Brazil, former president Jair Bolsonaro called for a rally in the face of accusations of an attempted coup d'état. On social media, he urged […]

After trip to Israel and Italy

President Javier Milei returned to Argentina after a week-long trip to Israel, Italy and the Vatican. He arrived yesterday in BA from Rome, where he […]

Approved in 2020

On the same day of the setback for the Omnibus Law, pro-government representatives submitted a bill to revoke the right to abortion in Argentina. The […]

Former president investigated for coup plot

In Brazil, former president Jair Bolsonaro has been banned from leaving the country. It is amid a probe into the alleged coup attempt against his […]

Arrives in Italy today

Argentine President Javier Milei closed his trip to Israel and today arrives in Italy. This Thursday, he visited the remains of Kibbutz Nir Oz, which […]

Following setback in the Lower House

President Javier Milei revealed that he ordered the Congress not to continue with the treatment of his reform bill, the "Omnibus Law". From Israel, he […]

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