In this edition of Actualidad we share several hearings including a SW station targeting the Horn of Africa region. Then, some radio-related news originating […]

The news of the week: Argentina will apply a third dose of COVID vaccine, Colombian forces arrest the most-dangerous drug lord since Pablo Escobar and […]

A Brazilian Parliament's investigative commission presented its final report on the Bolsonaro administration's handling of the pandemic. Senators reached a consensus to charge the President […]

A total of 1,208,160 children between 3 and 11 years of age received their first COVID jab in Argentina already, as informed by the Ministry […]

Alberto Fernandez will go this week to Rome where he will participate in the G-20 Summit of Heads of State, a forum that gathers the […]

Argentines honored the rock icon with all kinds of tributes and shows across the country last Saturday. The main events took place in the capital, […]

Por Adrian Korol

Carlos Alberto García Moreno nació el 23 de octubre de 1951 y es una de las figuras fundamentales de la música contemporánea argentina. Bajo un […]

ARGENTINA Romina Zabalza, María Rodríguez, Claudia Albarracín and technical operator Mariela Churquina will be the four people responsible for the airwaves of LRA36 Radio Nacional […]


  Defórmica Autobit Defórmica is an instrumental group that merges intricate progressive structures with swing, boasting some memorable compositions. This is the first recording with […]

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