This Thursday, at 20.30 Argentine time (23.30 UTC) a tribute will be paid to Argentina's health workers, who've been at the front of the war […]


Científicos del Palo "Hong Kong". This is a band from Mar del Plata with more than 20 years of experience. They have been venturing into […]


The Minister of Science, Roberto Salvarezza, said there will be "an Argentine vaccine" next year. The jab is currently being developed by the National University […]

Two days after the Taliban took control of Kabul, one of the four Argentines living in the Afghan capital was able to leave the country, […]

The news of the week: the President takes responsibility for a controversial picture of dinner during the lockdown, earthquake leaves 1400 plus dead in Haiti […]

The news of the week: Argentina begins combination of COVID vaccines, Venezuelan government and opposition begin dialogue in Mexico, and global warming hits the Paraná […]


  Isaías Eres "Baladí". Isaías Eres is the very original name of the duo formed by musicians Nicolás Mor and Gustavo Dlugonoga. They have released […]

With the aim of promoting environmental awareness, the Malvinas-related affairs secretary, Daniel Filmus together with the Director of the Argentine Office of the Organization of […]

The Americas in the news

The Ministry of Public Health of Uruguay opened online registration to apply a third dose against coronavirus for people who have already received two doses […]

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