
 Author of the Persico's Lexical Companion to Argentine Spanish After graduating as a Spanish Literature teacher back in the US, Joseph lived in Spain, Mexico […]


 COVID, the pandemic that changed the world The Ministry of Health confirmed the arrival of AstraZeneca and Sputnik V jabs. The same sources ratified also […]


Valdes ft Dulce y Agraz "Al calor de tu vida" (By the warmth of your life) Valdes is an electronic pop duo formed by brothers […]

The news of the week: 9-day lockdown in Argentina to stop coronavirus infections, new Ecuadorian president is sworn in and the iconic Obelisk of Buenos […]

The Americas in the news

New daily cases are declining in all states, with a current national average of 30K the lowest since last June, when testing was very low. […]

The main news stories from Argentina and the region: COVID cases and deaths mark new records in Argentina, Chile's independent groups will lead Constitution reform, […]


South East Asia "Cinema noir". Sudeste Asiático is a new seven-piece group from the Buenos Aires city of Campana formed in 2019. They released their […]

World's Last Chance Radio is a powerful American religious radio station that can be heard on 13840 kHz frequency via Secretbrod, from 0700-1000with 100 kW […]

Israeli delegation in Buenos Aires

RAE Argentina to the World talked to Jorge Diener, executive director at the Hadassah International Hospital in Jerusalem. Diener headed the delegation that met with […]

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