A RAE joint production with music programmer Hernán Espejo, from Nacional Rock FM.   Francisca and The Explorers "Nave". Band led by Fran Saglietti from […]

COVID-19 - The pandemic that changed the world

The Forum of Argentinean Scientific Societies, Civil Society Organisations and Public Universities endorsed the communiqué issued by representatives of the public, private and social security […]

The Americas in the news

The candidate of the centre-right CREO movement and ally of the Christian Social Party, Guillermo Lasso, won the presidential run-off in Ecuador on Sunday with […]

ARGENTINA The National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) and the Association of Modulated Frequencies of Entre Ríos (AFMER) signed a framework agreement for collaboration and […]


THE KUELGUE "View master" A group from Buenos Aires City that started as a joke among friends in 2004. With a musical style that is […]

The news of the week in Argentina and the region: COVID-19 situation deteriorates in the country with record number of cases amid a risk of […]

COVID in Argentina

President Alberto Fernández announced on Wednesday on a televised message, that Argentina "has entered the second wave of the pandemic". From Olivos Residence, he informed […]

We begin today's edition with news for diexists. In particular, we will report on the frequencies and broadcasting schedules of a series of clandestine radio […]

The latest news from Argentina and the region: record number of cases in the country as more restrictions are introduced, a new anniversary of the […]

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