Los diputados independentistas del Parlamento catalán aprobaron hoy por 70 votos contra 10 una resolución que insta al gobierno regional a iniciar un proceso constituyente para Cataluña y cuyo preámbulo, que fue leído ante el pleno, proclama la "república catalana como Estado independiente y soberano".
Informe: Cecilia Diwan.

People celebrate after Catalonia's parliament voted to declare independence from Spain in Barcelona on October 27, 2017.
Catalonia's parliament voted to declare independence from Spain and proclaim a republic, just as Madrid is poised to impose direct rule on the region to stop it in its tracks. A motion declaring independence was approved with 70 votes in favour, 10 against and two abstentions, with Catalan opposition MPs walking out of the 135-seat chamber before the vote in protest at a declaration unlikely to be given official recognition.

Etiquetas: Andrés Mariani